
For coming Events at St Matthew's in 2024  see our Facebook Page (or consult the Calendar)  

Latest News: 
6 June 2024

Clifton Methodist 150 years Celebration

Easter 2023 Flyer 2

9th May  2023

Coronation Concert 7 May 2023

Photographs of the Coronation Concert by the Sundown Swing Band and of  the Celebration tea following  are available in the Photo Gallery. Please note you need to subscribe - see the Photo Gallery page. Alternatively you can find some of the photos on our Facebook page



News from St Matthew's :

We are now on Facebook

St Matthews Facebook Page Header

See sub-webpage  Newsletter


Ecumenical News

Sadly, the West Yorkshire Ecumenical Council has been disbanded as from the 31st December 2016. Meetings of Senior Church leaders and Ecumenical Officers will in the future be convened under the title of 'West Yorkshire Churches Together". Watch this space for developments.

West Yorkshire Churches Together website.


Leeds  Diocesan News 

Diocesan News January 2017

Subscribe to Diocesan e-news   

Go direct to Diocesan E-News Issue  25 July   2024 ,  for the latest Diocesan News 

Here is a link to Diocesan ENews Plus     for the  1st July  2024.  It is usually published on the first Monday of every month and aimed primarily at Clergy, Churchwardens, Treasurers and PCC Secretaries.

Bishop Nick BainesMusings of a Restless Bishop is the name of Bishop Nick's blog

Follow the musings of a restless Bishop here

Bishop Nicholas Baines' Letter to the Laity 10 July 2020 

Environment News

Diocesan Environment e-news  July  2024 - Issue 56 

A later edition is available by subscribing to Gods Green Fingers


Methodist News

Calderdale Methodist Circuit News

Yorkshire West Methodist District Latest News

Yorkshire West  Methodist District January Newsletter 2024

Follow Yorkshire West District on Twitter

The Methodist Church E-News


From Testimony Faith Homes, Eldoret, Kenya - John Green's blog   Daryl, Esther and John Green

and the Testimony Faith Homes  

Testimony School Anthem   July 2023

Christmas Greetings from John and Esther

September 2022 Update Page 1.        September 2022 Update Page 2

Jan-April 2022 update and  Family News March 2022

May 2021 update and Message 'If it had not been the Lord who was on our side..'

Christmas Card 2020 from Testimony Faith Homes

November 2020 Update and November 2020 Thanks

October 2020 Update

July 2020 update. and John's 80th Birthday Newsletter June 2020

January 2020 Update and January 2020 Thanks 

December 2019 Newsletter.    Christmas Card 2019


The Church of England newspaper - The Church Times

The Church of England Newspaper

The Methodist Church Newspaper - The Methodist Recorder  (not available on-line) except on Twitter


Read Archdeacon Anne's article on the February 2020 Flooding in Calderdale.


On the 31st August 2019, we held our Annual AwayDay.
For the first time we held the AwayDay at 'The Space', Field Lane with St John's Church, Rastrick.
AwayDay at 'The Space'

The Theme of the AwayDay was 'Growing with Challenge'. We took time out to build on the 'Cake and Conversation' afternoons held at the Vicarages during August. The question which we faced was 'How do we adapt our patterns of worship within the Benefice of Rastrick, to meet the needs of  the community whilst retaining all the elements that we value, and all in a sustainable way ?'

As an introduction to the activities, John Hearson  (St John's) and Richard Kay (St Matthew's) shared their Experiences of Worship :
John's Adventures in Worship 
Richard's Worship Experiences

 We all went home feeling that the day had been a great success, and the food we had brought went further than we expected!


Bishop Nick Baines

25 Bishops including Bishop Nick Baines write open letter calling for reconciliation in the light of events at Westminster  surrounding Brexit and exchanges in parliament


A Father's Love 1Watch the Video 'A Fathers Love' as part of  'Thy Kingdom Come'


Download the Conference Business Digest - A Report for local churches about the business of the 2018 Methodist Conference. You can also download the Readers Guide to Mission and Ministry in Covenant. The guide summarises the proposals that have been welcomed by the Church of England's General Synod in February 2018. Conference directed further work be undertaken on the proposals for bringing the Methodist Church and the Church of England into closer communion with one another.




Miriam Knowles CMSFrom CMS Neema Crafts, Tanzania   -    Miriam Knowles' blog and

Miriam's Newsletter January  2017

Miriam's Link Letter No 9 January 2017

Miriam's Newsletter September 2017

Miriam'sLink letter No 10 September 2017

Miriam's Newsletter October 2018

Miriam's Newsletter No. 13 February 2019

Miriam's Final Newsletter November 2019

Miriam's Link Letter No 14 December 2019

